Solution - The Key Is Going Slow And Steady

By an Anonymous Contributor and Alex Irpan

Solvers are given a slide deck titled "Fluttershy's Guide to Whether an Animal Makes a Good Pet", as well as the images of 8 animals. Spoiler alert: according to Fluttershy, every animal makes a good pet.

At this point, solvers who know My Little Pony should immediately be reminded of the "Find a Pet" song from the Season 2 episode "May the Best Pet Win!". Solvers who don't know MLP will have to figure out the connection from other context clues: the given animals are screenshots from the song, the flavortext "express my delight" and "the pet that will suit them just right" is taken verbatim from the song, and the puzzle in general hints at pets very strongly.

The slide deck itself is a dichotomous key, which identifies species based on a series of Yes/No questions. There are 26 endpoints in the dichotomous key, and treating No as 0 and Yes as 1, the path to these leaves correspond to the binary for numbers 1 to 26. Start by taking the 8 given animals and sending them through the key, converting the binary numbers to letters.

The exact animal name solvers should use is the name used in the lyrics of "Find a Pet". Alternate names that gives the same results are included in the table as well.

Animal Name Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Binary Letter
Bunny / Hare / Rabbit Every word in name starts with B (or H, or R). (Yes) Not Accipitriformes (eagle), not Hymenoptera (bee, wasp, ant) (No) Does not fly (No) Doesn't live in water, is not an insect (No) Has four toes, not five. (No) 10000 P
Squirrel / Flying Squirrel Name starts with S (or F) (No) Has a letter L (No) Eats nuts and is not pink (Yes) No cerci, not symbolic for USA (No) In Rodentia order (Yes) 00101 E
Hummingbird Name starts with H (Yes) Not Accipitriformes (eagle), not Hymenoptera (bee, wasp, ant) (No) Flies, is not an insect (Yes) Cannot turn head 270 degrees in one direction (No) Has kidneys (No) 10100 T
Monarch Butterfly Words in name start with M, B, both fine (Yes) Not Accipitriformes (eagle), not Hymenoptera (bee, wasp, ant) (No) Flies, but is an insect (No) Is an insect (Yes) "Monarch" is reminiscent of royalty (Yes) 10011 S
Wasp Name starts with W (No) No Ls and no Ks (Yes) Not Feliformia (cat-like carnivore) (Yes) No bill (No) Not reptile (No) 01100 L
Falcon / Peregrine Falcon Name starts with F (or P) (No) Has an L (No) Has wings, is not pink (Yes) No cerci, not symbolic for USA (No) In Falconiformes order (Yes) 00101 E
Eagle / Bald Eagle At least one word in name starts with E (No) Has an L (No) Has wings, is not pink (Yes) No cerci, but is symbolic for USA (Yes) Is diurnal (No) 00110 F
Bat Name starts with B (Yes) Not Accipitriformes (eagle), not Hymenoptera (bee, wasp, ant) (No) Flies, is not an insect (Yes) Cannot turn head 270 degrees in one direction (No) Has kidneys (No) 10100 T

The eight given animals give PETS LEFT, matching the first given boxes. Many animals are featured in the episode "May the Best Pet Win!", but for the puzzle, we specifically want the pets mentioned in "Find a Pet". Going through the lyrics, there are 16 pets mentioned by name. Eight were used to give the PETS LEFT phrase, and these pets were given in the order they appear in the lyrics. The other eight pets, in song order, are: puddy tat (cat), otter, seal, ladybug, cricket, owl, toucan, and flamingo.

Animal Name Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Binary Letter
Puddy Tat / Cat Name starts with P or C (No) No Ls, no Ks (Yes) Is Feliformia (cat-like carnivore) (No) Has two eyes (No) Has a tail (Yes) 01001 I
Otter Name starts with O (Yes) Not Accipitriformes (eagle), not Hymenoptera (bee, wasp, ant) (No) Does not fly (No) Lives in water (Yes) Name is not reminiscent of royalty (No) 10010 R
Seal Name starts with S (No) Has an L (No) No wings, does not eat nuts (No) Not Felidae (cats), not Testudines (turtles) (No) Is adorable (Yes, don't get to choose here) 00001 A
Ladybug Name starts with L (Yes) Not Accipitriformes (eagle), not Hymenoptera (bee, wasp, ant) (No) Flies, but is an insect (No) Is an insect (Yes) Name is not reminiscent of royalty (No) 10010 R
Cricket Name starts with C (No) Has a K (No) Has wings, is not pink (Yes) Has cerci (Yes) Is nocturnal (Yes) 00111 G
Owl Name starts with O (Yes) Not Accipitriformes (eagle), not Hymenoptera (bee, wasp, ant) (No) Flies, is not an insect (Yes) Can turn its head 270 degrees in one direction (Yes) Is a carnivore (No) 10110 V
Toucan Name starts with T (No) No Ls, no Ks (Yes) Not Feliformia (cat-like carniove) (Yes) Has a bill (Yes) Does not live in the Arctic (No) 01110 N
Flamingo / Pink Flamingo Name starts with F (or P) (No) Has an L (No) Has wings, but is pink (No) Not Felidae (cats), not Testudines (turtles) (No) Is adorable (Yes, don't get to choose here) 00001 A

This gives IRARGVNA, which is garbage, but as indicated with the given boxes, we still need to rotate (Caeser shift) by an appropriate number. One notable pet that isn't mentioned in "Find a Pet", but which features prominently in "May the Best Pet Win!", is Tank the tortoise, the pet that ultimately wins Rainbow Dash's competition. Although Tank is sometimes called a turtle, the script for "Find a Pet" is very adamant that he is a tortoise. The puzzle title says "The Key is Going Slow and Steady", so we should send "tortoise" through the key, to get the amount to shift by.

Animal Name Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Binary
Tortoise Name starts with T (No) No Ls, No Ks (Yes) Not Feliformia (cat-like carnivore) (Yes) No bill (No) Is a reptile (Yes) 01101

Rotating the letters by 13 gives the final answer, VENETIAN. Alternatively, you can just brute-force the 26 possible shifts.

Authors Notes

Alex: Most of the ideas for this puzzle came from the anonymous contributor. They didn't know any My Little Pony, and since we needed a Fluttershy puzzle, I suggested theming it after "Find a Pet", and it went from there.

The letter-rotating step was primarily done to fit Tank into the puzzle, since he's the point of the entire episode. As a side benefit, it spread the animals over more of the alphabet, which made the dichotomous key easier to build. As much as possible, I wanted the Yes/No questions to be based on the animal, rather than their name, especially because the names were ambiguous before solvers figured out the "Find a Pet" connection. I wasn't able to do this all the way, but I'm happy I was able to bring it down to just 2 questions based on spelling instead of semantics.

Unfortunately, one side effect was that TORTOISE was also an 8-letter phrase. During the hunt, many solvers wanted to treat TORTOISE as a Vigenere cipher key to shift each of the 8 leftover pets by a different value. We didn't catch this in testsolving because every testsolve group brute-forced all 26 shifts first, solving the final step immediately. Some solvers also interpreted "Rotate" as "anagram". The ciphertext of "IRARGVNA" is very close to an anagram of VIRGINIA, if you assume you have a few errors.

Given a do-over, I would probably just remove Tank from the puzzle. It's unfortunate from an MLP perspective, but it makes the solve cleaner.

With an 8 letter clue phrase, even a few errors could make the message unreadable, so we added the "not supposed to get here" labels to every letter that shouldn't be reached. Here are some examples that we designed the dichotomous key to catch.

Animal Name Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Binary Letter
Bee / Hornet (instead of Wasp) Name starts with B (or H) (Yes) Is Hymenoptera (bee, wasp, ant) (Yes) Is not a rock (No) Does not have a mane (No) Not in Panthera genus (no) 11000 X - labeled bad.
Kitty (instead of Puddy Tat / Cat) Name starts with K (No) Has a K (No) Does not have wings and does not eat nuts (No) In Felidae (cat) family (Yes) Does not live underground (No) 00010 B - labeled bad
Tank / Turtle (instead of Tortoise) Name starts with T (No) Has a K (or L) (No) Does not have wings and does not eat nuts (No) In Testudines (turtle) order (Yes) Does not live underground (No/Yes, depending on species) 00010 / 00011 B / C - both labeled bad

Unfortunately, some names (like "yellowjacket") weren't caught by this, but the letters become distinctive once the song connection is found.

I was concerned that telling solvers the letters used would enable a shortcut to the puzzle: check all letters that are used, build an appropriate regex of length 8, and see what words match. After some discussion with testsolvers, we decided the Caeser shifting made this too difficulty, or at least, hard enough that we were okay with solvers finishing the puzzle that way.

(Incidentally, in the alternate universe where we didn't Caeser shift VENETIAN, a regex search for 8 letters all inside [PETSLEFTVENETIAN] would find VENETIAN at the 11th full word of nutrimatic results, so our fears weren't entirely unfounded.)

Factchecking the dichotomous key was pretty time consuming, and while doing so, we learned many fun facts about animals.

As for the errata, they were issued because:

We hope you also learned fun facts about animals while solving this puzzle!